Umami — DApp Pairing Methods

Samuel Bourque
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

Umami’s implementation of the Beacon Protocol is quite impactful and empowering.

The degree of convenience and access dramatically improved practically overnight due to the flexibility and power integrated within the Beacon network.

In order to benefit from the Beacon Protocol in Umami, you firstly need to pair your wallet with its DApps. The issue is that not all DApps necessarily have the same version of Beacon integration, therefore the pairing experience may vary.

Every pairing starts by visiting the DApp, and clicking on the button that typically says: “Connect your Wallet.”

Pairing — the Simple Way

If the DApps you’re connecting to has more recent integration of Beacon, you will easily Umami in the list of wallets.

This is the easiest way to pair your wallet

This is the simplest form of pairing — lucky you! You can start to enjoy your Umami integration to the DApp.

Pairing — Backup Method

Again, look at the previous image, if you don’t see Umami in the list, notice that there’s a button at the bottom which says “Pair wallet on another device.”

Now this feature is a backup for pairing another device… but magically your other device can be the same device! … Indirectly, that is.

You’ll need to reopen that same DApp on your mobile device, and click on the aforementioned button.

Backup means for pairing

Now, open your Umami wallet’s Settings section:

Additional Pairing Options

Select the first option “Connect to DApp with QR code.” Umami will then open your personal camera view; show it your QR code from your mobile.

Voilà! You’ve initiated the pairing of your wallet to the DApp!

Pairing — Backup for the Backup

Some of you may be screaming at this point: “It didn’t work for me!”

Indeed, depending on your security settings, your camera might not accessible to Umami; or you may simply not have convenient access to a mobile at the moment.

No need to fret. We’ve got you covered.

Look at the QR code again (this time on the same computer where Umami is installed — in case you’re still trying out the mobile approach); if you hover the mouse over the QR image:

Backup for the Backup

See the “Copy” button? Click on it… it’ll copy a special code.

Now go back to your Umami wallet’s Settings page, and use the second option for DApp pairing: “Connect to DApp with Pairing Request.”

Paste the code in the textbox, and initiate the connection.

There you go!

Initiated the Pairing? Good!

You’ll now you’ll have to complete the pairing operation to the blockchain along with nominal fees.

You’ll know it’s complete when the DApp shows your wallet address, and when the Umami settings show the DApp as a Peer.

This means it’s working

You’ll now enjoy unlimited access to fully integrated experience of every DApp available in the Beacon network.



Samuel Bourque

Product Manager for the Umami Wallet for Tezos. Part-Programmer, Part-Lawyer.